In this 2016 drama film directed by Mbithi Masya that won the Prize of the International Federation of Films Critics, a young woman called Kaleche (Nyokabi Getagaia) has no recollection of her life after death. She wonders in the middle of nowhere through the savanna land of Kenya, trying to recollect how she got there, but she is unable to even remember her name. In a hospital gown, she walks without purpose until she comes to a resort in the savanna land called Kati Kati. She neither knows the people in the resort nor the place. Yet, she is welcomed and told that she is dead. However, after some convincing by Thoma (Elsaphan Njora), she gets to know that the resort represents an in between place "Kati Kati", where souls linger until they move on to the next life. While in the resort, she meets Mikey (Paul Ogola), who killed himself, but he is angry with his extremely religious mother that he commits suicide again, leading to him disappearing from the resort. After...